Gator! A movie Burt Reynolds directed and starred in! You can tell that is the case in that, some scenes with him go on way longer than needed. But this blog is not about reviewing movies, no! Any Tom Dick or Ebert can do that. Here at this podcast we create revenge sequels that come AFTER the movie. Then we illustrate them. No other podcast dare delve into these dark arts! Thus, if you are new here, go listen to this weeks episode about the movie Gator and then come back and bask in the glory that is this illustration. I guess I have to say all the time now, "No A.I. was harmed or even used to create any part of our show or illustration!" It's straight from our heads. It's like when people used to drink unpasteurized milk and sometimes get sick. That stuff is for baby cows but people can't get enough of it, right? The baby cows don't get it, they just get locked in cage so they can become veal. But, enough of how our food pyramid is built. How did Gator become Gator Done Dee? As I said, Listen to the episode to find out! Thanks for stopping by!
